
Name: Ok, Ok. I kNoW u GuYs WaNt My ReAl nAmE, bUt CaLl mEh EmIlY 4 nOw.

Surname: StRaNgE, aS iN tHe StRaNgE cUlT.

Nickname: WaCkO, gRaN, cOcOnUt GiRl, GoDdEsS oF bInEsS, DeAtH aNgEl, WiTcH aNd ScArY.

Age: 200

Gender: Female

Birthday: SaMe DaY eVeRy YeAr.

Marital Status: Single

Star Sign: Libra

City/Suburb: PrEtOrIA, hOmE oF tHe PuNk GoTh KiDs, BORING!

Country: SoUtH aFrIcA, wIsH i WaS iN jApAn! Rock on kittie!

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